Take my blog(s) for example: this one I abandoned back in November after maybe a month of writing? I have 5 other aborted blogs in my dashboard as well. Most never saw the light of day. My wordpress account is far far worse. I started 12, yes 12, blogs and only one of them was used regularly and even that one hasn't been used in over 2 years. It's not that I don't enjoy writing, I just have an odd way of processing ideas. Here's an example:
- Come up with million dollar idea.
- Dream about the millions of adoring fans i'll have.
- Decide how to spend the money i'll make.
- Think about how awesome the website will be.
- Decide what to wear on an upcoming morning talk show to discuss my success, companion book, on what it's like to be dating Jason Statham*, how he feels about me being in an open relationship with both him and Jason Segal, etc.
- Start designing website layout.
- .....
- .....
- .....
- .....
- Find the half-made website months, or years, later.
- Contemplate working on it again.
- Repeat cycle.
As you can see, my process sucks. And the worst part is that I know how the idea process is supposed to go. I'm in marketing for fuck's sake. But the little control freak in my head doesn't like that process. He wants everything to be pretty and organized from day one. He won't let me just sit down and write what I feel, I have to have catchy titles and designs before anything else.
I'm fed up of letting the man keep me down. It's time to blow this pop stand! Raise hell! Start fires! Rage against the machine! Kill in the name of! BULLS ON PARADE!
Ah. Well then. Terribly sorry about that. I don't know what came over me. I think what I'm trying to say is: I'm going to write more. even.if.i.think.the.layout.sucks. *sigh*
*Our last names both end in ham. It's fate! And quite delicious.
*Our last names both end in ham. It's fate! And quite delicious.
'Blow this pop stand' just means leave. Not actually blow up a pop stand. Just saying.